Landscape with Figure

Landscape with Figure

An expressive dance performance about man in connection with nature

Man and nature are connected, inseparable, unavoidable. Landscape with Figure shows people in this interplay. Eight dancers from all over Europe confront each other in this triptych. To pumping, industrial sounds we see man who forms and creates, who fights and submits (part 1: Man against nature). Then, in a completely different color palette, we see the beauty of nature around us; how man is an organic part of it and enjoys every movement and all shapes and colors. (part 2: Man as nature). In the end – in the last part – we see how vulnerable humans ultimately are. How do we find answers to the questions we have? (part 3: Searching for balance).

Beauty and menace

In three parts, Ivgi&Greben show the beauty and threat of nature. The dancers change shape; the stage landscape changes with it. Landscape with Figure is an ode to man who constantly relates to nature.


Tuesday 30 January 2024
Amsterdam, Theater Bellevue…
Saturday 27 January 2024
Emmen, Atlas Theater…
Friday 19 January 2024
Den Bosch, De Verkadefabriek…
Thursday 18 January 2024
Heerenveen, Posthuis Theater…
Friday 12 January 2024
Hengelo, Schouwburg Hengelo…
Thursday 21 December 2023
Zwolle, Zwolse Theaters…
Thursday 7 December 2023
Leeuwarden, Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie…
Saturday 25 November 2023
Franeker, Theater de Koornbeurs…
Saturday 18 November 2023
Tiel, Schouwburg en filmtheater Agnietenhof…
Thursday 16 November 2023
Hoofddorp, Cpunt…
Thursday 2 November 2023
Groningen, Theater de Machinefabriek…
Saturday 21 October 2023
Haarlem, Schuur…
Friday 20 October 2023
Haarlem, Schuur…
Thursday 25 May 2023
Nijmegen, LUX Nijmegen…
Wednesday 17 May 2023
Leiden, Theater Ins Blau…
Friday 12 May 2023
Utrecht, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht…
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Sneek, Theater Sneek…
Tuesday 18 April 2023
Almere, Corrosia Theater, Expo & Film…
Saturday 15 April 2023
Amsterdam, Meervaart Theater…
Thursday 13 April 2023
Velsen, Stadsschouwburg Velsen…
Thursday 23 March 2023
Drachten, Theater De Lawei…
Friday 17 March 2023
Leeuwarden, Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie…

“With their full-length performance Landscape with Figure, the choreographer duo Uri Ivgi and Johan Greben dare to reach high. It shows a lot of bravura to start with a rousing first part and then to end via a dynamic middle part with a fairly quiet conclusion.”

Luuk Verpaalen in the Theaterkrant

“Everything flows seamlessly into each other, thanks also to the eight dancers who are completely convincing, both collectively and individually. You have to hand that to Ivgi and Greben: they know how to forge a wonderful unity of the multitude of scenes.”

Luuk Verpaalen in the Theaterkrant


Choreografy: Uri Ivgi en Johan Greben
Dancers: Björn Bakker, Daniel Flores Pardo, Matthea Lára Pedersen, Ludovico Murgia, Gaetano Tricomi, Sofia Lacava, Anastasia Papasakellariou, Greta Cecconi

Dramaturgy: Judith Schoneveld

Music composition: Tom Parkinson
Lighting design: Wil Frikken
Costume design: Natasja Lansen
Set design: Johan Friso Ontwerp
Technology: Mathijs van Loo
Foto’s: Paul Sixta

Business manager: Amarins Geveke
Production manager: Ype Terwisscha van Scheltinga
Marketing & communication: An de Wrede

Thanks to: Provincie Fryslân | Gemeente Leeuwarden | Fonds Podiumkunsten | Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie l Fonds 21 l Stichting Zabawas